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群硕软件成立于2003年5月,美国总部位于加州的Foster City,中国总部位于上海,并在武汉和扬州设有研发。目前,公司在全球拥有1,000多名员工。    群硕软件致力于为全球客户提供基于云上的移动互联网解决方案服务。我们的客户群和业务涉及高科技、公共安全、物流与运输、在线游戏及娱乐、新媒体及电子商务、教育、医疗、绿色能源等领域。    通过使用业界的开发工具和技术,以及经实践证明被广泛认可的开发流程,群硕团队为国内外客户成功交付了多个软件产品及解决方案,并在移动应用、智能设 备、社交网络、社交游戏、云计算、企业系统集成等前沿技术和行业知识方面累积了丰富经验。未来,群硕软件凭借多年来商业级软件产品的开发经验和创新能力, 将持续为各行业企业和用户提供下一代变革性产品及解决方案。Why Augmentum? Until you have actually developed, released and maintained software which is sold and deployed to consumers and businesses around the world, you will never know if you have world-class skills. A career at Augmentum offers the fastest road to true success. Our management has successfully built companies that develop the top commercial software in the world – now we are building a billion dollar software services company. Our success is determined by two things, our customers and you – our people. At Augmentum, when we offer you the chance to join our team, we know that you are already the best among your peers. We also know that there is no other way to understand what it takes to be really good than to continue to learn as you work – and we give you daily opportunities to do that, in the context of delivering software to customers whose names and products you know, with the guidance of experts. Our engagement methodology, the Augmentation Model, ensures that you work with our staff of US Principals to deliver software for the global market. Augmentation teams build software solutions for IT departments, they augment development teams building embedded software, and they also serve as part of the core development team for global software product companies.  Values-Great software is built by great people using the best practices in software development.-We provide an environment, a culture, and a management vision focused on great software.-We believe in integrity, trust, win-win, change with speed, and teamwork.-Lastly and most importantly, the customer is always right.微信公共帐号:群硕招聘(微信号:augmentum_hr)