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Thank you in advance for your concern and attention to our company – CVG Vehicle Components (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. And we sincerely welcome to will join us in the future! CVG Vehicle Components (Shanghai) Co., Ltd (CVGS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Commercial Vehicle Group, was formed in August 2004, located in Jiading District, Shanghai, China. The facility area is over 70,000 square foot. And we have committed in develop and product the commercial vehicle seating system and interior trim systems. As a leading global supplier of fully integrated cab-related system solutions for the global commercial vehicle market, which includes the heave-duty truck market, the construction and agriculture markets and the specialty and military transportation markets. And its subsidiaries design and manufacture suspension seat systems, interior trim systems, cab structures and components, mirrors, wiper systems, electronic wiring harness assemblies and controls and switches for the global commercial vehicle market. CVG’s headquarters in located in New Albany, OH and was listed on the NASDAQ (CVGI) in August 2004, who has operations located in United States in Arizona, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, North Carolina and etc. and outside of the United States in Australia, Belgium, China, Mexico, Sweden and the United Kingdom. And has more than 5,000 employees all over the world. As one of the important member of the CVG, CVGS has a strong Product Design & Development. We serve as a conduit to our customer bases in China Mainland, Japan, Korea and Taiwan and other Asia pacific area. We have committed important purchasing and engineering resources to this region in an effort to further penetrate and further develop components for the Asia market. Till now, we have already been the optimized supplier and the strategic cooperation with the Caterpillar, Hitachi, Volvo, Komatsu, etc. In order to meet the competition of the market and the development of the enterprise, CVGS continues to expand production area and gradually start and raise productivity. Welcome those who want to show and develop their own talent to join us, CVGS will provide excellent working environment and benefits to realize your prospects for personal development. 衷心感谢阁下对仕驰汽车配套部件(上海)有限公司的关注,并真诚欢迎您成为美国商用汽车集团 —— Commercial Vehicle Group(CVG)大家庭中的一员! 本公司系CVG于2004年8月在华投资成立的家外商独资大型制造企业。公司坐落于交通便捷的上海市嘉定区外冈工业园区,占地7万平方英尺,致力于商用车座椅系统等汽车配套部件的开发与制造事业。 作为全球的商用汽车配套部件的主要的供应商,CVG及旗下公司面向全球商用汽车市场 —— 包括重载汽车、工程机械、农机、以及专用和运输等市场的广泛的客户对象,专业提供悬浮座椅系统、内饰系统、车身结构和零部件、车镜、雨刮系统、电线总成与控制和开关系统等产品的设计开发与制造,并提供汽车配套部件的整体解决方案和服务。 CVG总部位于美国俄亥俄州的新奥尔巴尼,其经营业务不仅分布在美国的亚利桑那、印地安那、伊利诺斯、爱荷华等地区,同时还遍及澳大利亚、比利时、中国、墨西哥、瑞典和英国等国家。整个集团在全球拥有5000多名员工,于2004年8月在NASDAQ上市(CVGI)。 作为CVG旗下重要成员之一,仕驰汽车配套部件(上海)有限公司拥有强大的产品研发和制造能力。我们聚焦客户价值和需求,通过开拓本区域各项重要的采购和研发资源,积极发展亚洲市场业务,满足中国大陆、日本、韩国和等亚洲国家和地区的广泛的客户需要。目前,我们已成为卡特彼勒、日立、沃而沃、小松等著名的汽车制造商的优选供应商,并达成战略合作。 为迎合整个公司经营事业的蓬勃发展,不断满足日益广泛的客户需求,我们真诚欢迎阁下的加盟,与我们一起超越梦想,铸造辉煌!公司将为员工提供积极的发展空间和满意的薪酬福利待遇。我们所有职位的工作地点均在上海市嘉定区外冈工业开发区,上下班均有班车接送。 扬帆万里,今日从此起碇!公司网站:www.cvgrp公司地址:上海市嘉定区外冈工业园区汇宝路599号邮政编码:201806传 真:(021)59585802电子邮箱:connie.chang@cvgrp
联 系 人:L女士
经营范围:生产汽车用座椅、座椅金属零部件(包括减震器、扶手、头枕、金属组装件)、座椅非金属配件(包括座椅面套)、把手、反光镜、刮雨器、内饰件(包括门内护板、饰条、材料为塑料)、线束、工程机械座椅,销售本公司自产产品,并提供售后服务和测试服务;上述产品及同类商品、办公座椅的批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外),并提供相关配套服务,货物和技术进出口(国家禁止或涉及行政审批的货物和技术进出口除外)。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】