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格  兰  威  尔  集   团英国格兰威尔品牌今成立已经有50多年的历史,公司初成立于英格兰约克郡的布拉德福德地区。当时该公司主要产品链是冬季养护产品,如玻璃水和防冻液。大约在二十年前,格兰威尔公司和商标被Mike Thomas 和Garry Holland 所收购,Mike Thomas 和Garry Holland是世界著名品牌Hammerited 的创始人,他们通过收购格兰威尔的汽车相关养护品来扩大市场范围(这里面包容:汽机油、柴机油、工业油、辅助油、船舶用油、基础油、特种油脂等)。自收购以来,格兰威尔快速发展从一个车库大小的小公司到当前已经建立欧洲总部的大型集团公司。公司的石油化学产品生产基地坐落于英格兰北部, 公司所生产的润滑油和的汽车养护产品已经分销到全世界各地。集团在专业的销售团队的努力下,产品已经成功吸引了许多汽车和其他制造商使用格兰威尔产品进行配套和分销。如:阿斯顿马丁,Autosol, 迈凯轮,吉列塔,Ambersil & Groom (from CRC),路虎, Gunk, 阿吉尔,帕拉戴,爱西,Holbros,捷豹, Jenolite, 宾利,Wynns & Hylomar,阿斯卡利等等。在不断开发市场的同时,格兰威尔继续大力投入科技研发以确保格兰威尔的产品永远会满足不断更新换代的汽车和商用车车辆制造商。尽管我们有着显著的增长,但是我们引以为傲的是我们会尽快有效的满足客户的不同需求并且礼貌的接受客户的各种建议。在格兰威尔,我们会提供一个强大的舞台,你可以尽情的发挥你的个人风格和人格魅力。公司官网:www.granvilleoilGranville has been in existence for over 50 years - originally based in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, the Company at that time was better known only for its winter products such as screenwash and antifreeze.It was some thirty years later when the Granville Company and trade mark was purchased by Mike Thomas and Garry Holland, (both of whom had previously been involved with the development of Hammerite) when the range started to expand.Since that time the Company has grown from operating in a rented warehouse and small office above Mike's garage, to our current purpose built European Headquarters, Lubricant and Chemicals plant located in the North of England - manufacturing both lubricants and a full range of automotive and specialised coatings for distribution all over the world.Our strategy of distribution, coupled with our professional sales team has made us attractive to a number of other manufacturers who use Granville to get their products to market in UK ie Autosol, Ambersil & Groom (from CRC), Gunk, Holbros, Jenolite, Wynns & Hylomar to name but a few.Granville continues to invest heavily in resource to ensure that we will always be in a position to develop and meet the changing demands of automotive and commercial vehicle manufacturers.Despite our significant growth, we pride ourselves in satisfying the needs of our Customers and strive to respond to their requirements in a prompt, courteous and efficient manner.At Granville you will deal with people who care - and pride themselves in maintaining the personal touch discarded by so many larger operations.