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美国诺林国际教育集团(KnowledgeLink Group Inc.)是目前亚太地区专业从事中美基础融合教育办学(3+0或K-12)、咨询管理的跨国集团,总部设于美国学术名城波士顿,在美国费城、洛杉矶、韩国首尔以及中国七大城市设有分部。诺林坚信全球公民意识不仅是开启个人成长空间的钥匙,亦是建立和谐国际社区的基石。因此,所有诺林项目都是围绕培养全球公民意识而悉心打造。通过打造高品质国际教育项目来提升所有参与者的国际公民意识:自2012年以来,诺林与中国中学合作,成功开设30个中美国际教育项目,包括中美双文凭高中项目、中美国际小学以及美国ESL项目,分布在上海、宁波、武汉、重庆、佛山、郑州、吉林等城市,在读学生近1000人,派驻到中国境内的美籍管理人员和美方教职员工超过120人。诺林国际教育集团还积极推动美中两国在教育领域的的相互了解。通过领导层互访、学术交流、共同举办培训课程、交换学生、长短期留学等各种活动,诺林国际教育集团已成功举办多次美中高规格的省市级教育部门的交流活动,同时促进了双方学术和管理水平的提高。教育改革,站在多元课程设计以及创新教学方法国际前沿:诺林结合经久考量的教学技巧以及前沿的课程设计方法,打造出一套具有前瞻性的新型教育模式,不断满足全球教育者和学者日益变化的需求。从项目设计到运行管理,诺林是您值得信赖的合作伙伴:诺林来自20多个国家的近500名员工全部都精通两种以上语言并拥有丰富的海外学习或工作经历。我们中的多数毕业于世界知名大学,包括哈佛大学、剑桥大学、布朗大学、宾夕法尼亚大学等,主攻领域更囊括教育学、法学、历史学、经济学、传播学等,不同的专业背景不仅让我们的项目更加精彩纷呈,同时独具深度、远瞻性与专业性。其中,重庆市诺林巴蜀外籍人员子女学校 (KL International School of Chongqing Bashu - KLISCB) ,是重庆市也是一所受到重庆市教委审批通过的美式教育国际学校。Founded in Massachusetts in 2012, KnowledgeLink (KL) is an educational group committed to creating, sustaining, and growing visionary educational programming that meets the goals of globally-minded PreK-adult learners, the faculty and administration who serve them, and the organizations and corporations who go on to employ them, worldwide.Since 2012, KnowledgeLink has partnered with visionary educational leaders like yourself to define and shape the future of global education. Some 1,600 youth and adult students from Asia, Latin America, and the United States have grown as learners and leaders through our global schools and short-term programs.Our VisionIn the future, every student globally will have unlimited access to educational opportunity.Our MissionKnowledgeLink’s (KL’s) mission is to increase access to educational opportunity by providing students from around the world with the academic and cross-cultural preparation that will enable them to fulfill their aspirations of pursuing higher education and professional careers on a global scale.We achieve this mission through creating, sustaining, and growing visionary educational programming that integrates the best of tried-and-true instructional practices with cutting edge curriculum and pedagogical approaches to best serve our students’ evolving needs.Our Core ValuesPut Students FirstHave Integrity in All We DoDrive Innovation in Global EducationForge Trusted, Long-Term Educational PartnershipsProvide Equitable Opportunities to All StudentsWhile KL International School of Chongqing Bashu, as a private, co-educational not-for-profit international school of KnowledgeLink Group Inc., the mission of which is to prepare creative, collaborative, and curious students who will thrive as educated global citizens, self-sustaining learners, and ethical leaders.