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中科智城招贤纳才全心投入让你热情四射的工作,用你的智慧助力中科智城打造现代都市的智能体验!Who are we?我们是来自中科院及美国硅谷的国际研发及创业团队我们专注打造智慧城市体验What we create?大数据、云计算、物联网、遥感影像… 我们执迷于科技带来的奇幻迷思雾霾、噪声、交通拥堵、积水… 我们渴望改变都市生活的轨迹What we offer?中科智城为每位员工提供挑战自己和发挥潜能的机会我们提供具有竞争力的薪资待遇及期权激励我们为员工提供专业的的职业生涯规划指导建议并对考核的入职员工提供广阔的职位晋升平台畅通无阻的双向沟通机制硅谷创业文化你来决定自己的角色!我们相信智慧之城也能是家的港湾国家珠三角战略新区地带,南沙慧谷科研AAAA景区工作环境,景色宜人,空气清新定期集体出游、聚餐、年会员工生日PARTY、婚礼周年纪念员工智趣室、书香吧、心灵港湾、晤谈室、创享吧、咖啡室、烘焙DIY等All about us中科智城软件有限公司(简称中科智城)是一支云集国内外云计算、大数据和物联网领域精英的国际研发和创业团队。本着创新城市变革为己任,依托中科院云计算及美国硅谷雄厚的人才及科研技术资源,中科智城已基本打造一支高水平国际研发团队,拥有一套完善的硬件设备生产管理体系,形成智慧城市物联网综合管理平台、智慧城市物联基础设施云平台及应用、智能家居等完整的软、硬件产品链。我们专注于打造全球城市变革的智慧应用,提高全球城市宜居性、智能性及可持续性,为政府公共事业、企业及个人项目提供软、硬件产品,服务及综合解决方案。公司团队如今已获得国内VC天使轮投资,承担中国科学院项目——中国科学院科技服务网络计划STS(Science and Technology Service Network Initiative),与硅谷物联网知名企业Sensity成立中科院-硅谷国际联合实验室,并先后获得纽约时报、华尔街日报、CNBC等国际媒体的报道。团队前期研制的具有自主知识产权的产品成果荣获2012世界智慧城市创新类决赛奖、工信部智慧城市创新应用奖、中国物联**键技术创新奖、第十五届高交会产品奖等国内外多项奖项殊荣。中科智城人梦在智城,期待你的加入!中科智城正在行动!智慧城市之梦等你来!Talents WantedCAS Smart City - Better immersion with your uniqueness.Who are we?With Former CAS Team and Silicon Valley Talents, We Aim To Create Unique Smart City ExperienceWhat we create?Big data, cloud computing, internet of things, remote sensing images... we wish to be the effective solution to the sci-tech myths we are encountering;Smog, noise, traffic, water drainage... we are keen to lead the change of urban life.What we offer?CAS Smart City gives you every opportunity to tap your potentials.Pay and benefitsWe offer a competitive salary plus an attractive benefits package:a.a comprehensive medical and social scheme, a pension plan and stock option incentives; b.Annual compensation adjustment according to performance evaluation;c.Additional benefits may be provided to international staff if they meet the eligibility criteria for the particular benefit;d.Free annual physical examinationCAS Smart City is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, age, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected basis.All about usCAS Smart City Software Co. Ltd (CAS Smart City) is a spin-off of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) with former CAS team and silicon valley talents. CAS Smart City is the first company in China that has integrated urban lighting infrastructure with IOT technology, big data, cloud computing expertise and sensory network to make smart public lighting management a reality. The company’s R&D team is composed of former CAS members and now host the CAS National Program of Science and Technology Service Network Initiative (STS). As a standing member of Smart Lighting Committee, China LED Federation, the team has participated in the National Smart Lighting Standard Formulation and the Formulation of Guangdong Provincial Standard LED Lighting System Review and won the FINALIST in the INNOVATIVE INITIATIVE Category of World Smart City Expo 2012, Barcelona, China IOT Key Technology Innovation Award, Smart City Innovation Application Award by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology among other celebrated awards at home and abroad. With independent IPR and patented innovations developed by our joint international lab with Silicon Valley, we have produced a mature portfolio of smart city software with multi-service sensory network and hardware equipment manufacturing system, making our company the first IOT company in China going global. By so doing, we aim to formulate an international standard on behalf of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese IOT industry as a whole. We are devoted to lead the change of global cities.Given these achievements, the company has won the renowned Angel Round VC Investment in China in 2016. As an industrial trailblazer of Internet of Things (IOT) and smart city concepts, we now focus on smart city solutions that would bring global changes.Are you obsessed with some magic myths unfolded with this digitized era?Are you desperate to run away from the urban shackles of smog, noise, traffic, etc.?CAS IS READY TO BE ENGAGEDALL WE NEED IS YOU!CAS smart city 中科智城