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Desfa Group是一家美国的城市规划、建筑设计、景观设计公司,总部位于美国纽约市。于2006年拓展 中国业务,由数位的规划、建筑、景观设计精英合力打造国际化的专业设计团队。汲取北美成熟 的商业运作模式。Desfa Group长期专注于城市规划、园区规划、旧城改造、商业、旅游度假和生活及 新科技建筑发展、城市节能环保的研究与实践。于2010年,Desfa Group (China) 在上海设立了事务所正式将我们的创意理念带到亚洲为积极参与中国 内地城市的发展,并建立与扩大了由外籍设计师与中国本土设计师共同工作的技术团队。近年来,Desfa Group (China) 在中国内地及中东地区服务于政府部门与大型开发机构 ,已完成了许多重要的、有影响的 城市区域规划、商业地产规划,以及住宅、景观项目的设计。Desfa Group主要专长建筑设计、城市规划、城市设计、历史建筑保护与改造、景观设计、室内设计等专 业项目的设计。同时还是一家具有很强研究能力的设计公司,对宏观经济与微观经济都有所及时的了解和 学习,并一直关注相关产业、地区的变化与发展。还能为客户提供相关策划、专业咨询、顾问服务。Desfa Group在国内外已累积服务了近100个项目;在上海及长三角地区的周边城市,及华东地区已完成了超过40个项目的设计。While collaborating together at Philip Johnson / Alan Ritchie Architects New York in 2004, the “DesFa” name would be the representative name for which Howard Wang and Michael Dungca would associate and group a design style that was inspiring and unique. The terminology for DesFa, as in “design for architecture”, would embrace a range of modern design qualities and experiences. From space, to furniture, to simple objects, there was a common design language that was cherished by both designers.DesFa Group is now the result of several years of further design exploration and projects that have been completed successfully. Having a broad and border-less view of the world, and recently working mainly in the Asian market, the experience has been insightful and invaluable. With successful projects ranging from urban planning, hospitality planning and design, interiors and architecture, the DesFa style and name that was once a collection of ideas is now officially a reality. With the formation of the DesFa Group, that same design language is carried through with each project, and a new wave of talented core designers and associate partners, such as Ms. Helen Bian, are driving DesFa Group to higher limits.As architects, designers, planners and specialty consultants, we are a group of professionals that work closely as a team to design, manage and develop projects that have a unique and lasting experience. Powerful, inspirational ideas guide our solutions, and at the same time we pride ourselves on our ability to adapt our design philosophy to achieve our client's vision.Our diverse global experience and backgrounds gives us the ability to connect across different cultural boundaries, and introduce new ideas were once not imaginable. While our work reflects a careful attention to detail and is based on different criteria, we also make great effort to protect our natural environment by choosing environmental friendly materials
联 系 人:王女士
经营范围:建筑装饰装修施工,建筑方案咨询,建筑工程项目技术咨询,建筑装饰材料、建材、金属材料、新材料制品、办公用品、家具、五金交电、通讯器材、机电设备、机电设备、仪器仪表、电子产品的批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外)和进出口业务及其相关配套服务。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】