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深圳市万众国际旅行社有限公司(简称:万众旅游,英文名:Onetour)成立于2010年3月,具有出境旅游经营资质;“万众旅游”商标也经国家商标局审批注册。万众人凭借专业的业务能力及的管理水平让万众旅游成为中国非洲中东旅游资源供应商全国品牌。 2013年公司逐步进行品牌建设。现已形成并拥有三个行业品牌: 万众旅游——非洲中东旅游资源全国供应商 逸游高品——全球旅行服务运营商 千屿牵寻——做中国好的非洲中东海岛度假产品 2013年逐步拓展全国口岸城市分公司的布局,现有北京、广州、成都、昆明四个分公司。 万众旅游拥有一支从事非洲中东旅游十年以上经验、敢于创新并拥有核心产品设计能力的管理队伍;万众旅游拥有一批以“客户为本,为客户需求提供解决方案”、报价准则为快、准 、优的专业销售精英队伍; 万众旅游还拥有多名有着在迪拜、埃及等国工作或留学经验操作队伍,与非洲中东多国无逢对接。 “旅游是生活,也是学习”是我们万众人的口号;“真诚,自信,以客户为本,做快乐的万众人”是我们的核心价值, 万众人经多年累积及不断攀升的业绩,现与南非,埃及,迪拜,肯尼亚,纳米比亚,塞舌尔,毛里求斯等多国旅游局建立了长期战略合作伙伴关系;与非洲中东各使领馆保持紧密联系。得到如埃及航空,南非航空,卡塔尔航空,阿提哈德航空等多个中东非洲航空公司的大力支持;并与十几个国际酒店管理集团直接签约。万众旅游还将不断整合非洲中东各项旅游资源,为全国旅行社同仁提供解决非洲中东旅游资源问题的方案。 万众人真诚期待与您携手,共创非洲中东旅游新辉煌。 Established since MAR 2010, Shenzhen Wanzhong International Travel Service(One Tour ) has officially registered in the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and is authorized by the China National Tourism Administration to operate Chinese citizens’ outbound travel . We are becoming a leading position of Middle East and Africa travel services supplier in China's outbound tourism market by abundant operational experience、controlling key resourcesand improving management. We take an important step in branding on 2013. Now we have three famous brands: One Tour—Your Middle east and Africa Travel Partner EU Travel--- global luxury tour operator One Island--- Top Travel Specialists on african island We have a Vigorous development on 2013, and have been extended to 4 branches in Beijing、Guangzhou、Chengdu and Kunming. Moreover One Tour employs a team of dedicated and highly qualified personnel. Our operation team are talented and innovated. We provide a high standard of tourism products . An organized team to execute all requests by customers in an orderly fashion. May of them once worked or study abroad which can ensure smooth communication with our one hand source and get quick response. Our flexibility, and easy cooperation will make your business more easy and enjoyable. Take the " Enrich your life,explore more” principle and“Sincere, Confident, Customer First, Service Foremost, Be happy” identity to serve our agent.With our ongoing efforts, we have established good partnerships with many foreign embassies, foreign tourism bureaus. We always maintain a good cooperative partnership with airline companies such as SA MS QR EY ETC. We have contracted with many world-famous hotels and other related sectors. We are making full use of our advantages in the brand name, products, sales and services to expand the business scale, there is no doubt that we will continue to grow and offer better services for our agents in China. We look forward to your cooperation and supportive business , going all out to create a brighter future.
联 系 人:肖女士