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关于我们:学为贵教育集团的前身是成立于1997年北京雅思培训学校,是中国早的全国连锁英语培训学校之一。2010年北京雅思学校和现代教育合并,在香港联交所成功上市。2012年中国知名英语教育刘洪波汇聚一批海内外语言培训学者,及移动互联行业精英共同创办学为贵教育集团,并全资收购北京雅思学校。集团现已在全国20多所城市开设分校,并在在线教育等方面取得了瞩目的成。学为贵教育集团拥有数十年的学术沉淀,上百本原创英语版权教材,地面培训和远程教学教师上千名,遍布全球。学为贵教育拥有强大的境内外教育资源。战略合作单位包括中国广播电视出版社、北京语言大学出版社、中国人民大学出版社;清华大学、财经大学、华北电力大学、北京理工大学、北京师范大学;教育部中国留学服务、英国文化处、美国College Board等。2015年贵学教育集团成为美国OACAC协会注册会员。About UsGuixue Education’s early body was established in 1997 known as “Beijing IELTS School”, which was one of the earliest English training school franchises in China. In Year 2010, ‘Beijing IELTS School’ merged with ‘Modern Education Group’ and got listed on Hong Kong Stock Market. In the year 2012, Mr. Hongbo Liu, a renowned English Language expert in China, established Guixue Education Group and bought Beijing IELTS School; gathering the best English language experts both from China and abroad and an elite team of software & Internet technicians. Guixue Education Group has gone global with its solid academic base of more than 10 years and hundreds of published books. Guixue Education has thousands of teachers providing in-class and online courses. Guixue Education has strong local and international recourses; partners include China Radio and Television Press, Beijing language and Culture University Press, China Renmin University press, Tsinghua University, Central University of Finance and Economics, North China Electric Power University, Beijing institute of Technology, Beijing Normal University, Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, British Council, The College Board etc. In 2015 Guixue Education became a registered member of OACAC – America. 【四大业务】 培训学校:各大城市精品学校,豪华学习环境、人性化关怀服务,学习体验。在线教育:视频收费点播、直播课;音频直播课;每天公益免费直播课;学员交流社区等。移动APP:多款以“贵学英语真经”教学法为内核引擎的APP 应用。图书出版:“英语真经”系列精品图书,畅销全球。 Four Main Services Training School: Guixue Education has branches in all major cities of China. Luxurious and comfortable learning environment, customer-oriented service, and effective learning experience. Distance Learning:Paid online video and audio courses, Free of cost daily live online courses, student online community. APP: To make distance learning even more effective, Guixue Education Group has developed his own APP, which is maintained and updated on daily basis by a team of software technicians working fulltime for Guixue Education Group. Publishing:Dozens of books mainly written by Mr. Hongbo Liu and his team have been internationally published. One of the most popular series is “English Bible”. 【学校愿景】中国英语培训行业质量体系标杆,中国国际化人才培养起点。Guixue’s Vision:A model of high quality English education and training. Cradle for nurturing talent.【学校使命】帮助学生提高英语应试、应用和交际水平。Guixue’s Mission: Help students to improve English language test scores, communication skills and ability. 【学校价值】学术,办学创新,以学员为贵,做有爱的教育。Guixue’s Merits: Academic, innovative schooling, student centered, educate with Love 【教学理念】贵在有恒,学以致用。Teaching concept:Persist and Learn in order to practice 【企业文化】坚守,激情,快乐,提升Company’s culture:Persistence, Passion, Happiness and Progress.从这里走向世界。From here you go anywhere.
联 系 人:陈女士