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I Will Not Complain

IWNC was founded in Japan in 1989 by a British man called Anthony Willoughby. He was a salesman, who had a passion for going in expeditions. He went on journeys up mountains and across deserts, and after a while he realised that whenever he came back from one of his trips, his sales would go up. He realised that he was learning from the expeditions, about working with people, leadership, planning, and the attitude that is required if you are going to achieve your objectives. His confidence was increasing, and he was becoming more effective in his work and personal life. That is what led him to set up I Will Not Complain, a training company to help people learn from experience, and apply this learning to their work or personal lives.

The message in the name I Will Not Complain is not ‘don’t complain’. It is about taking responsibility for actions and the results of those actions. If there are problems then of course you should bring them up, but there is a difference between complaining with a view to finding a solution, and just complaining.

Our Mission
Results Through Developing People.

Our vision
We are recognized as the World’s Leader in Developing People.

Our Values
* Everyone who joins, join as a leader: this brings with it opportunities and responsibilities. Set high standards and use your professional judgment at all times.
* Collaborate with your colleagues: Be different and feel free to disagree. Respect the differences in others.
* Life is an adventure - treat it as such: Learning and growth are requirements, not options.
公司地址:Sunflower Building