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东方易迪坚持一切“以客户为”,以“成为企业品牌策划的者”为使命目标,致力于塑造企业强势品牌的研究,为企业在时间找准目标客户群,“以简易为基础提升企业品牌形象”,“以品牌为大化企业的利益”,为国内外企业(包括物流、服装、食品、教育/培训、美容/整形、保健/制药、旅游、汽车等)提供战略管理咨询、品牌形 象设计(VI识别系统等)、企业文化建设、品牌战略营销策划、品牌活动策划(包括新闻发布会、企业大型会议、庆典和年会等)和文化艺术交流活动,提供广告的策划、设计、制作、代理和发布,以及展览展示等服务于一体的综合性公司。

东方易迪坚持“低成本、快时尚、率、高品质”的核心价值观,紧跟时代前沿,悉心研究和剖析现代消费者心理,将中国传统与现代文化紧密结合,改变传统的品牌创造模式,倡导“社会责任与企业效益的结合”,运用 自身独特的创造力与敏锐地洞察力协助企业在时间锁定自己的客户,达到优质品牌与理想营利的目的。


E&D develops a “Customer Focused” Service in order to achieve our mission of “To become the best agency of brand activities planning of companies/government”. We focus on extensive research in order to create strong brands, to find the right audience for your company from the very start of our relationship, concentrating on “Making life easier for our clients” and “Maximizing our client’s profits based on stronger brand image”. E&D offers services in Investment and Management Consultancy for both Chinese companies and foreign investors in China. We also provide Strategic Development Plan, Non-commercial Activities Plan, Promotion Plan, Press Conference and Other Conferences Plan, Party Planning for Anniversary, New Year and Special Festivals. Other services offered by E&D include Product Expo, Advertising Design, Production, Agency and Publishing.

E&D adheres to our core values of “Better Quality, Faster fashion, Higher Efficiency, Lower Price”. We constantly study the latest consumer trends and information, combining modern Chinese culture with both traditional and western culture, reforming traditional business model of creating brand image, advocating “combination with both company profit and social responsibility”, while utilizing our own special innovative capability and acute insight to find our clients the right customers from the very start, enabling them to achieve the objectives of a high quality and profitable brand.

Based on social hot topics and needs, E&D takes the social responsibility to pay attention to the services required for government and related social organizations and companies, designing, implementing and promoting international culture & art communication activities.