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The Seven Soft Corporation is an IT consulting company with core competencies in Technology, Software Development and Project Management Services. Unlike many IT consulting companies, The Seven Soft is owned and managed by IT professionals who specialize in a business-first approach to problem solving. Having walked in your shoes, we are committed to learning your business and understanding your challenges before starting any project. We closely manage every project, big or small. We strongly believe that the success of every IT and software development project is not just about using the "coolest” technology. For us, success means delivering solutions that support your entire business strategy.

Founded in 2007, The Seven Soft is headquartered in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park, a major technology hub populated by companies like IBM and Cisco. We also have a talented and dedicated team located in Dalian, China, one of that country’s largest software parks. China gained recognition in recent years as an abundant source of IT talent and is quickly emerging an industry leader in the field of software development.

Our unique "Offshore Development/Onshore Management” business model allows us to take full advantage of our multi-national --- without sacrificing product quality or customer service. By basing our corporate headquarters and management team in the U.S. we are able to meet with our customers face-to-face and ensure that they have frequent and reliable communication throughout the entire project. Outsourcing the development labor to our Chinese team means that we can keep our clients’ costs very low. In many cases, we are able to offer software development and support at half the price of our onshore competitors.