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Teaday, embrace the inner balance

Who are we:
We are a team full of young people who brought multi-national perspectives together and are passionate about sharing our vitality and love for nature.
We are proud of our Chinese soul and our goal is to integrate the best of our thousands of years of tradition with the more modern innovative ways to touch the lives of everyone all over the world.

Our Target Customer Group:
Our target is well educated individuals (and/or value higher education) who live a stressful life in both first-tier and/or second-tier cities and are looking for a break in their hectic day. They are people who live high tech lives and like reading, music, films and/or travelling, have tendency for bourgeois although the degrees of which varies. They try to take care of both their mental and physical health. They search for belonging in an ever complicated and fast paced world. They are interested in the newest international trends, and don’t have negative opinions toward concepts such as environmental-friendly movement, making contributions to society and so on.

公司策略 Company Strategy
1. 突破传统茶市场格局,创立全新“人与自然”相处的方式
1. Break the structure of traditional tea market to create a brand new way for human and nature to get along with each other.

2. 提供一体化设计的饮茶器具、物品、配套设施和建筑形态
Supply integrated design for tea sets, tea goods, related facilities along with architectural forms.

3. 在折叠茶馆实体店中运用自然资源比如太阳能,风能等来实现可持续的节能建筑及室内方案。
Apply sustainable building strategies and use more natural resources such as solar power, wind power in building all Teaday chainstores.

4. 团队:国际智囊团,茶
Our Team: International think tank, senior tea professionals

5. 虚拟与真实世界的双重归属感
Ensuring all customers the sense of belonging in both worlds: through various social media and websites in virtual reality and through retailer stores in the real world.

6. 让消费者在足够的空间里参与和创造我们的品牌
Provide consumers enough room to engage and create our brand together with us

7. 产品特征:国际化,具时令性,分享产品相关的自然及养身知识
Product distinctions: international, seasonal and fresh, sharing product-related knowledge about nature and how to be healthy and fit

8. 逐步贯彻环保,节能,低碳,回馈社会等理念
Gradually implement concepts such as environmental protection, energy-saving, low-carbon, making contributions to society and so on.

9. 直营连锁
Direct chain stores

公司视野 Company Vision
Tell the best stories about tea through making tea drinking more fashionable, healthy, enjoyable, and environmentally safe, in order to bring nature back into the hearts and souls of mankind.

公司任务 Company Mission
To combine the best of Tea, Chinese traditions, and nature with a modern twist. With the goal of bring peace, learning, and belonging back in people’s busy lives.