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Smartions Info Ltd is a software outsourcing service provider based in Suzhou, China.

At Samrtions we are dedicated to building outsourced development teams that are aligned with your organizations development goals and practices. We understand what it takes to ensure globally distributed development teams meet agile development needs and adapt to each of our customers unique requirements.

Our core principals are trust, agility, quality, and transparency. The key to living these principals lies in our people. We know that both your success and ours is dependent on having strong and focussed teams, so we take pride in the fact that we only hire the very best personnel in order to deliver to our customer’s expectations.

Having worked internationally with major IT and Development organizations such as Microsoft and Sage Technologies for many years, Smartions founder and CEO Fang Liang knows outsourced development from the customer perspective and what it takes to achieve effective synergies when working with remote partners. Since establishing Smartions in 2010 on his return to China, Fang has focused on building an outsourced development agency based on tailoring services to fit individual organizational needs, from small business development projects to dedicated development, QA, and support teams for multinationals.


We support and guide our clients through the process of establishing professional and cost efficient offshore teams through our quality focused services. Our team of experienced project managers ensure that your project is in safe hands and that you always have direct access to English speaking professionals with solid international business experience. A point of contact who understands and represents your needs so that your product vision is realised.

Our services include:

Software, web, and mobile application development.
Software and content localization.
Application testing and test automation.
System integration development.
Management of local product support teams.
At Smartions, we care about the quality of services that we provide. We take the time to understand our customer’s needs and build specialized teams specifically for them. This means that your offshore team’s technical skill set is matched to your project requirements exactly.
联 系 人:方女士
经营范围:许可项目:第二类增值电信业务(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以审批结果为准) 一般项目:软件开发;人工智能基础软件开发;人工智能应用软件开发;软件外包服务;计算机软硬件及辅助设备批发;网络与信息安全软件开发;人工智能理论与算法软件开发;计算机软硬件及辅助设备零售;互联网设备销售;可穿戴智能设备销售;电子产品销售;动漫游戏开发;互联网数据服务;信息系统运行维护服务;数据处理和存储支持服务;信息技术咨询服务;知识产权服务;软件销售;区块链技术相关软件和服务(除依法须经批准的