供需库>企业黄页> 家装、建材>工程机械、建筑机械>
上海诚和工程有限公司自2001年开始致力于室内空间规划设计和施工,今以来已具有相当规模集设计施工为一体的,拥有多年商业空间设计及施工经验的企业。目前公司专业从事:写字楼办公室的空间规划、室内设计和装饰施工。此外我们还提供和办公装饰装修相关的一系列配套服务,包括办公家具、消防、空调、弱电工程、保洁、绿化、搬家……提供办公室进驻的整套优质服务。我们的设计团队具有多年的系统理论学习和实践经验。为客户提供风格迥异的设计方案。一切为客户所想、满足客户不同需求。Since establishment in 2001, Shanghai Channel Engineering Co., Ltd. has been applying itself to office interior design and construction. Now it has become one of the biggest companies engaged in both of these areas with many  years’ experience. At present it specializes in office interior design and decoration.Besides, we offer full service for office relocation, including office furniture purchasing, IT works, fire prevention systems, air-conditioning, light fixtures, office moving, office cleaning, landscaping and all-directional solutions for office relocation!We have a group of senior professional designers many years designing experience. We will provide different customers with different kinds of designs according to the personal requirements.设计与施工一体,丰富的级写字楼工程经验。We are professional in both design and construction, and we have years of experience for business building service.累计客户300多家,多为大中型外资企业,了解不同企业的装修需求。We have more than 300 customers all over China from all over the world. Most of them are the leading innovators in their field. We are familiar with different kinds of requirements.工程一体化服务,大程度的满足不同客户办公室搬迁的相关需求。We will supply all kinds of services related to office relocation.完善的施工管理体系,大程度确保工期和工程质量。We have professional project management experience to ensure we finish the project on time and with a high quality work.为客户提供办公家具、弱电设备、绿化保洁、办公室搬迁等全套服务。免费代办消防、物业等相关手续,提供优质服务We provide full set services for customers, such as office furniture purchasing, IT works, light fixtures, plantings and cleaning, office moving. Also we will help our customers to get the fire department and building management approvals for free.设计是设计师和客户共同参与的一项创作活动。设计师的作用是在尊重客户意见的基础上,进行类别艺术加工、归纳和升华。Design is a creative activity with both designers and customers taking part in the process. Our designers will work out a highly personalized design based on individual customer requirements.设计是一种艺术表现方式,是一种文化。因此,在空间设计中,我们把这种意识贯穿始终,遵循艺术表现形式的共性。Design is an artistic manifestation, a kind of culture. Therefore, we regard each project as an art.我们将“人”、“空间”以及“环境”这三种元素和谐地统一起来,向您呈现一个崭新的空间We will represent you with a brand new space with harmonious combination of three elements including human, space and environment.空间规划设计是一种实用艺术,将符合实用性的空间规划用具美感的艺术手段进行表现——这是空间规划设计的高境界。Space planning is a kind of practical art. The highest level of it is to design it in the most reasonable way and to make it beautiful.
联 系 人:王女士
经营范围:建筑装饰及建筑装饰工程相配套的建筑施工和水、电、通风设备安装,建筑装饰设计,自动控制系统设备的销售及安装调试服务,计算机网络科技、自动控制系统领域内的技术服务、技术咨询、技术开发、技术转让,销售计算机软硬件及相关设备,通信设备,光学仪器,办公家具,五金交电,建筑材料,仪器仪表,机电产品,电子产品,服装服饰及辅料,办公用品的销售,办公设备租赁,图文设计制作,展览展示服务,会务服务,园林绿化,旅游咨询(不得从事旅行社业务),商务信息咨询。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】