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更新时间:2019-12-16 19:00 免费会员
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The image design team of Guangzhou 8000 Li shelf Co., Ltd. designs drawings free of charge for customers according to their needs, provides various Si image solutions for commercial space terminals, provides precise services for customers, synchronizes the latest visual culture of terminals in the market, and disseminates the culture of new retail in the new era;

Guangzhou eight thousand li shelf, Nome home shelf, smart jewelry shelf, famous and excellent product shelf, OCE life concept Museum, KKV life collection store.

Strength source factory direct sales, customized, export abroad, original factory delivery, one-stop shop customization, one-stop design and installation, factory direct sales, value for money, strength factory, free layout!

KVV shelf, funlink life collection store, westlink life collection store, the body shop, Shu Uemura, Nome shelf, miniso mingchuang, the green party!

FUNlink采纳“创意集市”灵感,给人以温馨、竒巧物件星罗棋布的感观,而今年店铺形象升级引入了北欧艺术美学。大面积留白与莫兰迪浅灰蓝相互映衬,带来直观的感与艺术美感兼具的进店感受。为营造精致舒适的居家生活体验,设计师釆用了场景式陈列作为整体空间 的点睛之笔,例如精致考究的餐桌、艺术气息十足的试衣间等等,打造了一个有趣、 有品味的生活美学研究所。广州市八千里货架,NOME家居货架,伶俐饰品货架,名创优品货架,OCE生活概念馆,KKV生活集合店。


KVV货架,FUNlink生活集合店,WESTlink生活集合店,THE BODY SHOP,shu uemura,NOME货架,MINISO名创,THE GREEN PARTY绿党!